The Perkins typewriters has arrived

As a result of 133 kilometers ran/walked, 20 ambassadors, five locations – Budapest, Bénye, Kolozsvár, Székelyudvarhely, Csíkszereda – and donations of more than 30,000 lei, in addition, Perkins Brailler typewriters arrived in Székelyudvarhely. One of the machines has already found its owner, we wish you a lot of patience, health, diligence, and perseverance. The typewriters do not yet “know” either Hungarian or Romanian, but with the help of experts, we will soon “teach” them these two languages ​​as well. After the software expansion, the remaining machines will be tendered. There is a great demand for the tools, we are sure that they will find a host very soon and they will help the visually impaired children to learn. Allow me once again to thank the organizer of Fuss Neki, the Székelyudvarhely Community Foundation (, and we are grateful to our ambassadors, who felt it was a matter of their hearts to educate Hungarian blind children.



We thank Emese Fodor, Gizella Ferencz, Krisztina Brinzan-Antal, Katinka Gagyi, Izabella Ferencz, Huni Kiss, Péter Sulyok, István Domokos, Orsolya Németh, Péter Beleznay,  Mónika Linda Kányádi, Botond Mihály, Dorottya Búzás, Róbert Flórián Papp, Sándor Kolumbán, Zsolt Szabó, Júlia Iszlai Virág, Tímea Helén Molnár, Botond Barna Bíró and last but not least Tánczos Barna. We are sincerely grateful to our supporters, but also to those who helped us with just one share. Thank you for your encouragement, compassion, messages, sincere interest, and anonymous support!