The pilot project has started

In agreement and cooperation with Gizella Ferencz and Tünde Miklós, a special education teacher, the group training of visually impaired children started. For one week a month, special education teachers educate and train blind and visually impaired children in the Bartimeus Centre, making it much easier and more effective for them to acquire the competences that will be essential for learning, orientation, transport and overcoming many other obstacles that result from their visual impairment.


Of course, there was also a lot of fun and relaxation: walks in the city park, big games in the playground, in the Dino Park, felting.



We are grateful to Gizella Ferencz and Tünde Miklós for their pioneering work. And of course to the children who participated. We are proud that the professional work could start, because we have been working for years for this. Thank you!