They have gone to study

We are proud of Szende and David for starting this school year at the School for the Blind in Budapest. They are two very bright, caring, creative visually impaired young people who would have been lost in the education system here at home.

This will give them the chance – with a lot of hard work, perseverance and even more help – to live a full life: with a profession, a high school diploma, a university degree, a perspective. It will not be easy for them or for the families left behind. We will try to be there for them, to help them in every way we can.

e are grateful to the Fundation Magyar Látássérültekért Magyar Iskolát and to Peter Sulyok for mentoring the children. Thank you to the management of the School for the Blind for their effective help, and special thanks to headmistress Ágnes Somorjai, and to professional manager Éva Szemerei for guiding us through the process. We thank the Metropolitan Pedagogical Service for their flexibility.

Szende and David: we wish you much strength and perseverance! It won’t be easy, but we know you, we know that with the perseverance, natural intelligence and a lot of humour you will be able to cope with everything. And if by chance you still can’t do it all, there are teachers, educators, educators and learned adults of all ranks and orders to help you. Work always pays off. And Sende promised that “I will come back and become a teacher”. We will keep her on his word.